Monday, 12 December 2016
Problem solving
This week tasks we learnt about word problem. I solved this by using Addition,
Multiplication, Subtraction and Division.
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Room 5’s Review - Cybersmart
Room 5’s Review - Cybersmart
This is a movie about Pt england student from Room 5 being cybersmart . The key message behind the scene is to be cybersmart at all time and being on the right site on our devices. This is also a message to students to not bring their phones to school. This isn’t appropriate for student being it will be a distraction towards school learning. This movie is about simon being dodge on his phone during school. Simon, Tamauri, Henry and Taiaha where caught by a group of girls ( Presayus, Rowana, Koula and Allahazy) and been sent to the teacher Mrs Fosita (Uli) They were put on Rethink. The lesson behind the scene was to be cybersmart.
The lighting in the film was not consistent because some parts of the scene was dark and some were light. The camera shots were appropriate because the shot were low and the some shots were fast forward so that it can be more entertaining. The type of camera they used was a video camera. They should've of used a drone because it will look more like a real movie.
We could hear the dialogue of 11 different characters in the scene. The script did not help describe the story well. I think if there was no tile the it won’t describe the script because younger kids won’t understand words like ‘ Gap it eah and
To be continued
Facing my Fear
Facing my fear
OMG!! As I watched the Stratosfear ride swing back and forth I was terrified and entertained at the same time. I was in the line to have my turn when I saw the ride flip upside down. I was anxious at the same time I wanted to face my fear. It was my turn to go on so I quickly hopped on and buckled my seat belt.
The ride began starting with a slow pace. All of a sudden something bad, really bad made a loud rumble. I was going to explode. The ride went higher and higher in slow motion when, I spewed out colorful things which you don’t need to know. I felt so sorry for the people who were watching. Ohh my gosh!! I noticed that I was upside down. I panicked and screamed then panicked and screamed.
My friend’s mum was also on the ride and made sure If was scared I would hold her hand really like really tight. I felt sorry because I was squeezing her hand so tight her veins were popping out. My blood was rushing down to my head as it felt like it was going to explode. The ride was starting to go slower and slower. It was finally done. My legs were like jelly that was going to collapse. I really didn’t want to go back again.
Monday, 5 December 2016
Word Problem W8 Term 4
This task is about word problem. The strategy I used to solve the questions were
Timetable, Division and subtraction.
Monday, 14 November 2016
Week 6 Think borad Term 4
This week's task we are learning about decimals by using any kind of way to solve it.
I used partitioning to solve this problem.
Monday, 7 November 2016
Hauora - Attitude talk
This term we had the opportunity to have Paula to come and talk about Attitude.
One of the main part I picked up from the talk was Assume the Best until you're
proven wrong. This mean's think more of positive things then negative. For
example if your friend ignore you for the whole day then it may mean there
planing a surprise for you. Think more of the positive!!!
W5 - Geometry
This week we are focusing on Geometry. We are looking at what is the missing
angle that is drawn in the scale. The angle is 180, For example one side of the scale
is 45 the other is ?? 135 Because is you add 135 to 45 that will equals 180.
Friday, 4 November 2016
Scientific Method
This week we are learning about Scientific Method. We are doing a test about
which burgers will rot the fastest in 35 days. Our task is to take picture everyday
or week to see what the different is since day once till day 35 day. Check this
presentation to find out more about out experience this week. Here another
Question for you!! How fast do burgers age. If you know please leave a
comment below.
This week we are learning about Scientific Method. We are doing a test about
which burgers will rot the fastest in 35 days. Our task is to take picture everyday
or week to see what the different is since day once till day 35 day. Check this
presentation to find out more about out experience this week. Here another
Question for you!! How fast do burgers age. If you know please leave a
comment below.
Monday, 31 October 2016
Term 4 Week 4 Thinkboard
This week task we are learning to solve our question by using B.E.D.M.A.S.
The meaning of B.E.D.M.A.S is Brackets,Exponent,Division,Multiplication,
Addition,Subtraction. It's a strategy that we use when it come's to a question as you
see I have solve. For example (15 x 10) - 98= 52 You have to solve it in the order
of B.E.D.M.A.S or your will be wrong.
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
W1 Term 4 Extra Thinkboard
This week we are learning to solve our question by using B.E.D.M.A.S
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Algebra B.E.D.M.A.S Problems
This week's task we are learning to solve our question by using B.E.D.M.A.S.
B.E.D.M.A.S means bracket, Exponents, Division,Multiplication, Addition and
Monday, 17 October 2016
W2 Term 4 Thinkboard
This week's task we are focusing on B.E.D.M.A.S to solve our questions. Basically B.E.D.M.A.S means Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. In these order I solved the question.
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Number Knowledge
This week's task we are basically focusing on word problems by solving it many
different ways. Also we are learning to Identify the equation within a word problem.
Monday, 10 October 2016
Word Problems
This weeks task I am focusing at learning to solve word problems by using
Subtraction, Addition, Multiplication and divisions.
Saturday, 24 September 2016
This task is basically about Algorithm. I am focusing on Algorithm question using
division and Multiplication problems to solve the questions.
This task is about Ratios and has been completed by using timetables to solve it.
Olympic Math
I am learning to use the correct strategy to solve the word problem.
Decimal Intro
This task has been accomplish by basically focusing on the decimal value
points. I used timetable and value places to solve the questions. I also learnt
more about where the decimal point suppose to be placed.
Friday, 23 September 2016
Muscle Fatigue
This is a task that tells about muscle fatigue. Muscle fatigue is when your muscles
start to get sore and exhausted. That's when you feel like not exercising anymore
but it's just telling you to keeping going because you are doing great.
Algorithm problems
This task is about Algorithm and by solving this I used division problems in a way
of Algorithm.
Blog commenting
This week we are learning to blog comment by using positive words, Thoughtful
words and words that are Helpful. Our task is really about how to leave a wonderful
Thursday, 22 September 2016
This week we are learning to solve problems by using Adding and subtraction to
solve it.
Reflection from this term
This year has gone past really fast and it’s almost the end of the year. It’s been fun meeting new teachers and friends. I have achieved lots this term and hope to achieve more next term. I have made many memories with new friends from the year 8’s. Unfortunately the year 8’s will be leaving soon to college and the year 7’s will then become the leaders of the school.
Best memory of term 3:
I admit that my best memory was when I attended the mixed netball tournament. It was cool meeting different people in schools and playing against others. Netball was a fun sport to play and I enjoyed a lot, I also made new friends from other schools. Such as: Tamaki Primary, Sylvia Park and Glen Taylor, these schools are the ones that we played against. I had also played with my year 8’s friends as this year will be there last year.
One of the Funniest moment this term was when Peteli get snap wearing his pant backward on the way they were going to tech.
I had the experience to work with year 8’s and learn their personality. For year 8’s, these three teams were a blasted. My Opinion for next year would be accomplishing more of my learning so that I could succeed for the future. As I have one more year at Pt England school before i leave I would like to be a great example to the year 6’s next year. I’m looking forward to 2017.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
This week we are learning to solve problems by using Add and subtract to solve it.
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
Sophie Pascoe...
This article is about Sophie Pascoe and her life story, medals and world record.
Game on
This task is about the Olympics games which is basic in the story when a
school has there own Olympic day. They celebrate Olympics day every four year
just like the whole world does.
Your body Muscles
This presentation tells you about muscles. Questions like how your muscles move
and How you feed your muscles. What are muscles??? What is muscles made up
Monday, 19 September 2016
Think - board
This weeks task we are learning to solve problems by using tens to make tidy
Friday, 16 September 2016
Soccer Information
For today's inquiry we had to make a presentation about that's been hold in Rio
Olympic. The thing we could of improve was to speak with confident. The thing
we improve was teamwork and saying our script nice and clear.
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Week 8 Algorithm
This week's task we are learning about Algorithm using timetables and division to
solve the questions.
Monday, 12 September 2016
Think - board Week 8
This week we are learning to solve problem by using division.
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Ratios Week 7
This week's task we have been learning about Ratios using timetable to solve it.
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Think-board Week 7
This week we have been learning to solve problem using place value partitioning.
Monday, 5 September 2016
Add/Sub Term 3
This is my week 4 Add/Sub presentation. We have been learning about add and
subtractions. To solve the question I use add not Subtract. There are some
samples in the presentation.
Friday, 2 September 2016
Thinkboard Week 5
This is a task from week 5 , we are learning about decimals and adding. On the
left side of the Thinkboard there are 10 question for yo to work on or Answer.
TinTin story
This week I have been learning about a story called TinTin.
Also this week we are learning lots about Mystery story and writing about Mystery
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Ratios Proportions
This week we have been learning lots about Ratios.
An example of how I solved one of the Question. 8 x ? = 24 so it will be 3. So
I did the something to the other number which is 3 . So 3x3= 9 The answer is 9.
The question is on slide 5.
Think - Board Week 6
This week we have been learning about decimals using subtracting but I solve
this by using add not subtract so that's how I got my answer 0.793 which is
correct. On the left corner I have 10 similar question for you to solve yourself.
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Think - Borad
For this weeks task we are learning about Adding decimals. I have write down 10
question for you to solve.
Monday, 22 August 2016
Saia and Gabriel trip to silicon valley
Last week Gabriel and saia came to talk about their trip to silicon valley in california. Saia and Gabriel had been picked to go to california to explore different apps store such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, stanford university, Twitter, Alcatraz, inflection, apple, yelp, Khan academy,Ideo Instagram and xero.
They went on a tour in a prison called Alcatraz which was the best jail in the world but still is in America. They shut down this prison because three men escaped from jail but they were never found. The prison was surrounded with water which had sharks. People didn’t know if they were dead or alive because they might of been eaten from sharks or survived by swimming to the nearest land. I really want to go and visit Alcatraz because I really Iike to know more about how the prisoner escaped and what they do all day in prison.
Gabriel and saia inspired me to visit around california because it sound really fun since they get to stay in a cool hotel and go to different places in california. They even went to the Golden gate bridge. There message to us is to set a goal and think ahead about it and think if you are doing the right thing so that you can be at your goal. This is also an inspired message to younger kids to set a goal and dream big.
Monday, 15 August 2016
Think - Board
This week's task is about fraction. We have to solve a fraction question using a
strategy to solve it. As you see on my Think board I solve this by using partitioning.
Friday, 12 August 2016
Gymnastics at the Rio Olympic
It’s the final day for the Gymnastic Rio Olympic competition and we are up to two contestant. Who will won and who will lose? Let’s find out!!
The Judges take their seats and the first contestants walk up to start at the platforms. “Her name is Sena and she is 16 year old and she came second place last year and got silver medal.She has been dancing since she was 4 years old and She is representing England but she lives in New Zealand.Her competition is a 14 year old girl who goes to the same school as her and this year is the first time she has been competing in the Rio olympic, Her name is Jolie cathron who has been dancing since she was 2. Wow!! Ok Malaki let get back to Sena. Sena takes her position and start to move by flipping around the mat and lumping up to the handlebar spinning round and round. So far she is doing great says “
( K.C Judges)”. Ehh is falls on he left feet and get back up. She does a cartwheel and these a double flip. That was some nice landing. Know the judges give their score. 6 from Tina, 4 from Malaki, 5 from Juliet and 7 from K.C. The total score is.... 22 points out of 40.
We will be back in 10 minutes!! Now we are back and Jolie has taken the stage. She looks confident and is determined to get gold medal this year. ( Slow music) Jolie spinning on one feet three times and jumping in the air doing the splits. She start doing a double flip and a cartwheel then she lands really well on a another double flip. Know the Judges give their scores. Malaki 9 , Tina 10, Juliet 8 and K.c 10. That was a great score for Jolie. Now the Total of her score is 37 out of 40. Jolie cartin won the 2016 Rio Olympic medal and is jumping with joy. “This is the first time ever she has entered the Olympic and get Gold all ready.
Know for the contestants to get there awards. In 3rd place is Gemmer Johnson from U.S.A, In 2nd place is ceremony Sena clark from England, In 1st place is Jolie cartin from New Zealand. “Wow taking the Gold medal home these feel Good” ( Speakers) Now for the National Anthem ...
( Anthem) How is it feel Jolie Cartin to win a Gold medal, well it is amazing even for the first time entering in the olympic and I thank my couch, my family, friends and Fans for everything. “Do you think you will came again in 2020”? Mmm yes . Okay bye
In the Rio Olympic this year there will be many of countries going and competing other contestants. In this story it is about a girl name Sena who is a bully and a dreamer queen and a Jolie who goes to the same school as her and it’s the first time she enter in an Olympic. This girl Jolie came first place. This is the message to our New Zealander to try there best and go for Gold.
Think board Week 1 Term 3
On week one our task was to solve Fraction problems. I use Multiplication and
Addition to solve these problem. For example 9/12 of 144 = 108. First you have
to find what 12 x ? = 144 which equals 12 , Then 12 x the numerator 9 = 108.
That is how I get my Answer 108.
Word problem
This weeks task is about Fractions. We are learning to Use prior knowledge
of fractions to solve the following word problems. I solved this by using
my knowledge of fraction to make the numerator and the denominator
the same.
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Why Sleeping is Important?
How much sleep do we need?
Do you know how important sleep is? It really depends on what age you are. The older you are then less sleep you will need. Baby sleep 14-17 hours at night compared to adults they need 7-9 hours a sleep.
Baby almost sleep throughout the whole day!! When we sleep early we wake up refresh but if we sleep really late then you may as well be exhausted and moody throughout the day. Sleep is very important because it can help heal and repair your heart and blood vessels.
What happens to our bodies when we sleep?
When we start to sleep there is a cycle in our body that makes us go into a deep sleep and into a lighter sleep. Once we fell asleep we start to go into a deep sleep then after a while we start to get into a lighter sleep, that”s when we start to dream. Scientist found out when you move your eyes really fast under your eyelids it means you are dreaming. The different between deep sleep and light sleep is deep sleep is a normal and light sleep is when you dream about different imagination.
Tracking 24 hours to tell us when we sleep?
When we sleep we have a clock inside our body, not a really but a clock that tracks 24 hours. This clock helps us to wake up in the daytime and sleep in the night time. Once we travel to another country we have to adjust the time Zone so that we can wake up at the same time in the day and sleep in the night. Sunlight and darkness also allow our bodies to reset themselves to match the new time zone so that we don’t wake up in the night and sleep during the day. This adjustment will take days until the adjustment has been done.
Important step to get a great sleep?
There are plenty of ways to get a great sleep, you can do something relaxing such as reading a book, having a cup of tea or have a warm shower. Turn on the lights as soon as you wake up. Turn off your devices, electronic, games and television before you go to sleep. You can sleep a similar time every night and Avoid bright lights when you go to sleep. Getting enough sleep can help protect your mental health, physical health and safety. Why is sleep important to you?
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Think board Term 3 week 3
This week for math I am working on my Think board. We have been learning about
Fraction. We had to do our own ten question and write a problem story. For example
8/ 12 of 144 = 96. A strategy I use was Part Unknown.
Sleep Sleuths
This week I am learning about a book called " Sleep Sleuths". The message of
the story is important for you to have enough sleep so that you don't have a moody
day or body!
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
Rahi and the Patupaiarehe
This is my task for week two, term 3. It is about a story called "Rahi and the
Patupaiarehe". This Reading task is use with the T.O.P.S which mean Title,
Orientation, Problem and Solution.
Monday, 1 August 2016
Think Borad
This is my think board for week 2, Term 3. My maths class room 2 has been
learning about decimals and another way I solved was that I take away the decimal
point and times it like this... 1234 x 7 = 8638. There are 3 number after the decimal
point so 8638 will now be turn into decimal like this 8.638 , because there was three
numbers after the decimal point on the 8638 you have to put the decimal point in the
last three numbers. So that was how I get my Answer: 8.638
Gymnastics Narrative
This is what I am learning about this week. I am writing a story about Gymnastics
at the Rio Olympic in 2016. It is the final day of the competition who will won
and who will lose?
Best Mates
This my T.O.P.S about a story called "Best Mates". The orientation is at school
when Mana and Jackson his best friend is eating there lunch. Jackson tells Mana
about his mum getting a new job and that he will be moving. Mana mum was going
to have a baby and mum and dad thought that Jackson can be replaced with a baby
brother or sister but Mana didn't won't a sister or brother to replace his best friend.
Nana come over to Mana house and said that Mana was so stinky. Nana told Mana
about her and her younger brother catching some eels. That made Mana thinnk that
a youger slibing can be a best Mate. That night Mana went to sleep and had a dream
that he was playing Football with he younger brother and his dad. Mana dad was on
the other team and Mana and his younger brother was in a team. Mana throws the
ball to his little brother and steps his dad a score. What is it like to replace's a friend
with a new sibling?
Monday, 25 July 2016
On the first week of term 3 my task was to finish my Think-board. By solving
this problem I use part unknown. I also wrote down 10 question that are similer
to it.
Monday, 18 July 2016
Holiday time
Showing kindness during the holiday I help my mum at her kiden garden school. There was a big birthday party for Katrina one of the student and I had to help blow the balloon and put up the sign that said Happy birthday. When I blow the balloon I felt like I was out of breath. There were lots of food and games that was hold at the birthday party.
The games that we played was hit the Pinyada, past the puzzle and face painting. This party was a big party. First we played hit the Pinyada. When the game was over, in the Pinyada there were toys and chocolate. The second game was past the puzzle. One of the kids won a prize that had a lunch box with a pony in it. For the face painting I chooses a cross to paint on my face. The big party was fun. After all the fun games we went to eat lunch there was heaps of food. Yum Yum!!!
My mum has been working at Tiny Town school for 40 year. First I help my mum by moping the floor and vacueving the carpet After the party. Her job is hard!!! I enjoy working at my mum works because one day I would like to be a teacher just like my mum. She inspired me because how hard she works as a teacher.
There are more then 40 children in my mum school and only seven teacher to look after them. The ages in my mum's class are 3 - 5 year old. The time the school start is 6.30am - 6.00pm.
The holiday is a great time to help your parent or anyone in you family. What ever you do in the holiday just make kindness go viral. Hope you all ave a wonderful holiday .See you next term at school.
Friday, 8 July 2016
Activeities 1 -Winter Learning Journey
Imagine if I was running in the Ancient Olympic competing in the running marathon before Jesus was even born, I would feel like I am dreaming.The first Ancient Olympic was in the 776 BC . I would love to compete in the running marathon because I love running but back then women won't allowed to compete in the Ancient Olympic. The first Olympic games that women could play in was in 1900. In the ancient Olympic Games there were only three running events back then. The athletes had to run from one side of the stadium to the other side. The diaulos was a middle distance race. The athletes ran two lengths of the stadium. The sport that I won't want to play in if I was allowed is wresting and boxing because it looks very dangerous and someone would get seriously hurt. The reason I picked this sport is because I love to stay fit and it is great for your health.
Thursday, 7 July 2016
Multiplication and division
This a task that I have been working on to finish off. This is about Multiplication
and division. For example There were 43 people in a Miss Berry class. The
right side is were the girls stand and the left side is were the boys class.
If there are 27 girls then how many boys?
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Burger Paragraps
Last week the Korero is finish it properly and now I am finishing my last week
work. This is a burger paragraph and it also means T.O.P. S which means
Title, orientation, problem and solution. One the last page I have write a story
about Abraham.
Fraction and decimals
This is my task for this week 10. It is about Fractions and decimals. For example
6/10 is also the same as 0.6 . What else is the same?
Tuesday, 5 July 2016
Eddie the sneak
This is a story about Eddie the sneak. He love's his car and he like to talk to it and clean it every
Saturday. Broco the dog was playing outside when he accidentally scratched Eddie the sneak's car.
Eddie the sneak was very anger to the dog. One day there was a storm that was coming and it was
hail storm. Eddie the sneak's car was still outside and the narrator know if the car get hurt by hail
then he will have to pay more to fix his car. What happen next? Did the dog do anything to ruin
any other things of Eddie the sneak!!!
Saturday. Broco the dog was playing outside when he accidentally scratched Eddie the sneak's car.
Eddie the sneak was very anger to the dog. One day there was a storm that was coming and it was
hail storm. Eddie the sneak's car was still outside and the narrator know if the car get hurt by hail
then he will have to pay more to fix his car. What happen next? Did the dog do anything to ruin
any other things of Eddie the sneak!!!
Monday, 4 July 2016
Think board week 10
This week Room 2 math's class has been given a Think board to work out.
he problem is 7/9 of 108=? As you see that the answer I got was 84. I solve
that by using multiplication and division. For example 7/13 of 195= ? First you
would see what does 13 x ? = 195. The Answer will be 15. So then you times
15 by 7. 15 x 7 = 105. That would be your Answer. Check my think board to
see how I solved this problem and How I get that Answer.
Maori Legends
This is a story about the Maori Legends. There are many different story about
the Maori legends. There is a story about Kupe, and discovery of Aoteroa (New
Zealand) Check out this site to learn more
Matariki is Here
Matariki is a Maori new year and it is the time for family'd to celebrate and have
a feast. Matariki is the name of the Pleiades star cluster. Matariki is in early May
and June. How do you celebrate Matariki?
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Algebra week 9
This week I am looking at Algebra. Algebra is a mixer of number and letters.
For example L = A+9, then you have to find the value of L when A= 9. The
Letter L will equal 18.
Monday, 27 June 2016
Think board week 9
This week we have been looking at B.E.D.M.A.S . B.E.D.M.A.S stand for Brackets,Exponent,Division,Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. For example
7³ + 54 -16 ( 9³ )=? This will equal 1010 .As you see this is my think board about
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
This is a poem that I like and picked about doing the dishes. This author wrote
a wonderful poem describing how she will feel when she is doing the dishes.
Poem has some rhyming words and word that describe one thing. This is a
great example for you to know.
This is another Poetry from this week task early faster. Now this poetry is different
for the other one. This is about Language Features, Similes, Metaphors, onomatopoeia,
Rhyming and Alliteration.
This task is about Poetry. I am writing about emotions. This is a Poetry
about how I will feel being that emotion. For example I am horrified. If you are
horrified then what would you feel, taste, smell and sound. What is the colour
of horrified. This is for you to finger out .
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Wheelchair Rugby
This week my task is about wheelchair rugby. This sport is a mixer of sports such
as wheelchair basketball, ice hockey, handball and rugby union. This game is played
indoor which has hardwood court. Wheelchair rugby is a sport that only allows
four player on the court at once. This game is created for Quadriplegia. This
game was made in 1976 from five Canadian wheelchair athletes. Jerry Terwin,
Duncan Campbell,Ramdy Dueck, Paul Lejeune and Chris Sarget.
Friday, 17 June 2016
Intro to Fractions
This is my presentation about Fractions. Take a look in my Presentation for more
Understanding Fractions
We have been learning about Fractions. Which one is the smallest fraction out
of 1/2 and 2/4? If you guess it is equal. For more information check the presentation.
Thursday, 16 June 2016
I luminte
Have you heard of a crew called I luminate? Well if you haven’t they are incredible dancer.
After lunch time on Thursday the whole school walked to the hall. I didn’t even know who was coming are who they look like. When I enter into the hall they was a sign which had a name on it called I luminate. They were dancer all the way from america who came just to see our school Pt Ezngland. Before the dancer came on stage Miss Nau turned off the lights. My heart was beating with excitement . When they came on stage they were wearing clothes with lights on them. They started doing these awesome move. When they even started they just give me a big smile on my face and they just made me feel really surprised.
My favourite part of the show was the whole thing, probably they were the best dancers I even seen, Just maybe. They wore LED lights which were attached to their clothes. They were amazing dancer who look like they came out of nowhere and dance like no one was watching.They were inspiring and very great at dancing. They have a lot of talents.
Free writing about the Mystics
Meeting the Mystics
I can’t believe it, it’s the Mystic!! Last week on Tuesday the Mystics came to our school to meet three teams from our school, Pt England. Talita and Jadia’s Mum Christian won us a competition to meet with mystics on Tuesday, 12.30pm. They came to our school to meet three netball team which were the Force and Jets from the year 7 and the princess from the year 4. The three Mystic netball player where Kayla cullen, Nadia Loveday and Megan craig.I was so excited to train with them. First we done a warm up by jogging up to the line and back.
It was great to see that the three netball mystics player were actually here at our school and that we actually won a competition. First we separate up into three group and had a race between each others group. “I thought my group was going to won.” As our group get ready the person in the front dash of to start. I shouted and shouted with me heart beating. Go, you can do it, I hear from the other team. Once it get to me I ran with the ball going around my waste. When we finished we put our hands on our head. Wow we actually came first!! The other team were all puffing like I was. The other teams had to do 10 push up and my team had to sit and watch them do it.We had 1 hour and 30 minutes with fun training. Before you know it, It was time for the Mystics player to go. So we said our Goodbyes and some Questions.
It was great to see the Mystics and it was fun training with them. They inspiring me to play more netball when I grow up. I hope one day I will be in a team like the Mystic representing New Zealand. They are amazing people that loves netball like me.Again a big thanks to christian va'afusuaga for that win because if you never enter then we wouldn’t meet with the three Mystic players. I hope to see the Mystic one day again.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Think board
This is my think board I have finished. I use timetable to solve this equation.
Week 7 Thinkboard
This week task is our Think board. We are learning about Fractions and are adding
and subtracting that equation.
The real Richie Mccaw
This week task was about The Real Richie Mccaw. This is about some student
who thought Richie Mccaw was there Role model and hero. They made a statue
of Richie Mccaw. When they open the curtain to see there statue it was the real
\Richie Mccaw. They all can't believe that he was in there school. They didn't
know that he was coming. It was like a big surprise. It was a great day for the
student to see there hero from the All blacks. They performed a haka Just for
Richie Mccaw.
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
This is the week 7 task or activity for this week.Week 7 is here and we have been
learning Fractions all this week. We are simplify our fraction to the lowest number.
If the denominator is the same number then it will still the same. If the top is the same
then you have to add them together. For example 12/18 + 7/18= 19/18.
Friday, 10 June 2016
Preparing flax for weaving
In our art class we are making canoes out of flax. There are some reason for you to do something before you even take flax from places. You have to say a karakia before you take flax. Maori say you may get bad luck. So right now we making canoes, but we are doing are practice with the cardboard so we need scissors, wool, and cardboard.
Thursday, 2 June 2016
How to make paper mache wool ball
This term team 5 are learning about art. The topic for this term is "as i see it"
I am in my first Rotation in Miss Berry's class. We are learning to make paper
mache wool ball. We are just put some treats in them. Reading through this
side to know how to make paper mache wool ball.
Think Board
This week I am working on my Think board. I am learning to solve the question
by showing how I work it out, a story I wrote to solve this question and a
strategy I use to solve this. Ten other question: As you see on the side there are
other similar question.
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
The Lava story
The Lava Story
It wasn’t all happy joy joy because these two lovebirds were separated by litres and litres of Pacific ocean and could not see each other as if they were blinded by love. Maungarei and Rangitoto could not see each other but still communicated through song as if they were big blue whales.
The end
Utangaro, Ru, and Hape
This week and last week I have been reading story called " Utangaro, Ru and
Hape". This story is about Ru and Hape seal eating Utangaro fish while Utangaro
precious hook was stuck on he mouth. The pet seal get away with it and Utangaro
wouldn't to pay back the seal. So Utangaro went to look for the pet seal when
he find them sleeping. Utangaro killed the seal and the other pet seal escape.
Ru and Hape wake up in the morning calling there two pet seals. Only one
seal turned up. Ru and Hape searched and searched for there other pet seals.
They found there pet seals bone hidden under the sand. Ru and Hape
wouldn't to know who had killed there pet seal so they can Avenge them
back for what they have done. Ru and Hape went to see the God of smoke
to tell them who had killed the seal. Once the smoke turned into a rainbow,
Ru and Hape know straight away that Utangaro had killed there pet seals,
so they set of to get Utangaro. That time Utangaro was on he's boat rowing
away to hid from Ru and Hape. Ru and Hape saw so they went to catch him.
Monday, 30 May 2016
Mixture of problem
Last week I was learning about Mixture of problems. For example Miss Berry
has a loille jar which has 502 lollies in it. If Miss berry gives out 217 lollies to her
student, how many lollies would see have left in the jar? A way I would do this is
502 - 200 = 302. then 302 - 10 = 292. Then 292 - 7 = 285 .By solving this
problem I used partitioning . How would you solve this question?
Friday, 27 May 2016
Wool and nail art
We are in our rotation are right now we are working with Mr wiseman in the wood and nail art.
Wool & Nail art, the year 7's and 8's are focusing on art this term. We rotate around trying other different activity, today Rm 4 has been working with wool and nail art.
How we did this - We used a paper that looked like a star in the middle of our wood. We used 11 nails and a hammer,we nailed down the edges and from then onward we had difficult problems making our shapes.As you see it we have made a star shape with a hexagon in the middle
Monday, 23 May 2016
This week I have been learning about Algebra. Here is an example about
Algebra. 12x - 55=? The x will represent 15. So that mean 12 x 15= 110 .
Then 110 - 55= ? which will equal 55. That is an example of Algebra.
Thursday, 19 May 2016
Who are the Moriori
What I have been learning this week is about Moriori. Back then People thought
Moriori is lazy, stupid people, people with flat nose and with very dark skin, but
we now know that all that won't true. Check my presentation for more information.
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Thinkboard Master
This week what I have been learning about is my think board. A strategy that I
use was partitioning another way you can solve it is Algorithm. Here is a question
that I will let you solve. 11 x - 90 = ? The x mean 15 .
Monday, 16 May 2016
Kahu and Hokioi
Last week I was reading a book about Kahu and Hokioi. Kahu is a bird that
like t hunt big and small birds, Hokioi is a big and strong birds. Hokioi looks
fierce and dangerous. One day Kahu wanted to go and catch Hokioi so he could
eat him went Hokioi move just on time and he saw Kahu. Hokioi was thinking if he
would like to eat him but he didn't. Hokioi said to Kahu that he couldn't fly as high as
the Matata, which is a small bird that mostly lives on the ground and can't fly well.
kahu accept the challenge and off they went. Hokioi was flying higher then Kahu.
kahu saw a mice running away from a fire and Kahu thought he should go and catch
and eat it for dinner for him and has kids. What Hokioi didn't know was that Kahu
wasn't flying with him.
Venn Diagram
This is a Venn Diagram that I made about these two story. In the middle side mean the
story has something that is the same. On the two side it is telling you about some of
the story and some meaning to it.
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
The year 7 three days of fun
Last term while the year 8 were having fun on camp the year 7 had there three days of fun all to ourselves. One the first day of our day we worked on our chromebook for 20 min and then watched a movie called Boy 2 Man. It was a relaxing time for us to enjoy. The year eight ledder who stayed behind handed out camuel pop corn. It was about a boy called malaga was run away from his Dad. He was 8 years of age. He hid from his dad in the street when a boy called Johno find him. He said what are you doing at in the cold. Malaga said he run away from his dad. Johno said he run away from his family along time ago and I’ve have been living in the street. Johno said that he would take care of Malaga. Malaga was a bite young then Johno by 5 years. They grow in the street up tell there were 15 years old they were still walking around the street. As year go on Malaga was with a family and Johno had a group of man in a gang. Malaga was going to a new college called James cook high school. Malaga was part of a dream class at the high school. He was the best dancer at of all of the student and they were preparing to compete other student from other college. On that day Johno also needed him but he wouldn’t let his dance crew down. So he went to the dancing competition and started dancing when in the middle of the dance competition one of the member from Johno crew called, if you don’t come your friend Johno will die, so Malaga run to his car and drove to the place he wanted him. He arrived there and Johno and the other member was fighting when the grab his screwdriver and run up to Johno to stab him but Malaga pushed Johno out of the way and Malaga get stab. He fell to the ground and he died. Johno was so sad, the next day they done a funeral for malaga. They said there goodbye.
On the second day we started making our flower layer. We were in group of four. We use lots of flower and pins. Each rows had 5 in each. We were the first group to finish our flower layer. Once our group finish we help the other group with their flower. Some group couldn't finish there ones because they were out of pins so they had to cut the end of their layer.
One the third day of the fun week we made flowers to put around the pole for our year 8 to welcome them back from there three days of camp. While we were finishing putting up some more flower layer on the pole the year 7 and the year 8 leaders watch some makalani movie from 2015. The table were already set in a line with pears on top. While we were watching the pastry mince and cheese were warming down. There were also coke for us. We were having a day off from work. After watching the movie miss muliaumasealii told us to go for a run before we would go and eat our delicious food. When we came back we sit in the street and started eating our food. It was delicious!!
At the end of the day Miss muliaumasealii give out prizes to the year eight ledder and the year 7s and also the management group. The management group was the one who prepared all of the food and the flowers for the year 8.
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Immersion assembly
Welcome back to you all to school!! On the first day back at school the whole school gather to the hall for our Immersion assembly. Immersion assembly are always hold when it is the beginning of the term and Mr Burt get's to welcome us back from the holidays. This term the topic is about " as i see it " which is base on art. There will be lots of art going on around the school.
Team one is all about there favourite thing like chocolate, puppy and all does lovely things. Team 2 is learning about seasons. What is the seasons today? Team 3 is learning about Grand design and architecture. Team 4 four is learning about comic art. They are going to make thing into super hero design.
Team 5 are learning about the waka. During the Immersion Assembly term 5 had a waka race. The waka's are Hokule'a , Te aurere, Hikianalia and Hinemoana. Each waka has a meaning to it. Hokule'a meaning is the Earth and it's ancestors, Hikianalia meaning is the star, Hinemoana meaning is the ocean and Te aurere meaning is about the blood,sweat and the tears. This is what it guide the waka. The waka race begin the waka were ready and off they went. It was a race that was messy. Hokule'a the green team who in the lead and Hinemoana was chasing behind, but it was to late and Hokule'a won which was my team. Miss sadler was racing in the yellow team Hikianalia, Miss berry was racing in the red team Te aurere, Mrs Garden was racing in the green team Hokule'a and Mrs Tele'a was racing in the blue team Hinemoana.
My favourite part would be about the team 5 race. It was funny and messy and the green team won. Are you happy to be back at school?
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Boys2Men Press Release
This is a presentation telling you about all the information about who was the
director and producer, what who the area the place has been film and heaps
more. Check it out!!
Brainstorm about From Boys 2 Men
This an movie that we watch. It is about a boy was run away from home and
lived in the streets when Johno found Malaga in the streets. Johno run away
from his home to along time ago. Johno and Malaga were lived around the
streets until they were 15 years old. Johno had bushes hair and he was short
Malaga had long hair and look tough.
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
This what I learn in the past. I learn about measurement. When you measure you
use a ruler. For example you are making a cake a it needs 400 litre and you only
have 150 how many do you need. Answer: 250 liters
Recount of Aspiration speakers
Kenese and Arizona came to pt England to take to the year 7 and 8 about what
they had done all there lives. Arizona was a girl who was a head girl at Epsom,
that inspired me to work hard to be one when I grow up and go to college. Kenese
talked about how to choose the right path even though you go through trouble and
you should get advice and do the positive things. Arizona has thought us to
work hard, share happiness and Dream big
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